Uri Care Tea یورک ایسڈ قہوہ
RS300RS350 (-14%)
Uric Care Coffee Coffee Uric Acid
Are you suffering from any form of arthritis?
If the uric acid levels in your bloodstream are too high, it can lead to a common form of arthritis called gout.
And, people who suffer from gout are not able to get rid of purine from their system easily, which results in the accumulation of purine from the blood stream and leads to joint inflammation and pain. This herbal tea is the best tea therapy for arthritis or gout sufferers.
By drinking this tea on a regular basis, you can prevent the
Softens the blood vessels and promotes blood circulation in the heart and brain
Balances the uric acid level in the blood
Relieves pain for gout sufferers
Strengthens the kidney, tones the spleen, nourishes the lungs and enriches the essence
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